Friday, March 4, 2016

The revolution might be led by Republicans

So the GOP is now circling the wagons against the threat. Unfortunately, the threat is already right in the middle of the circle. 

We all know of whom I speak. But I don't like
to support views of his face. So here is an
adorable pig instead.

They're now trying to come up with strategies to get around the nomination process. Colorado scrapped its Republican caucus entirely due to some sort of law that requires selected delegates to keep their commitments even if the party's strategy changes. Members of the party are coming up with gymnastics that they can subject their convention to in the event that his steamroll toward the nomination continues.

Can you imagine if the RNC tries to circumvent a popular vote, especially where the population in question is largely made up of people with guns who don't trust the government? It won't be pretty for a whole lot of reasons.

Republicans like to crow that their party is all about liberty, but look how hard the big guns are working to try to block what appears to be the will of their people! Their efforts to block the election results shows their own fascist, paternalistic leanings (regardless of whether the candidate is himself a fascist). 

And just like that, masses identifying as Republicans will take up arms and fight the establishment. They already have, of course, but here they'll be revolting against their own. The Republican elite underestimated their masses. Or perhaps they overestimated them, thinking that they were reasonable people who would never vote for a megalomaniac like this.

Yet here we are, where those likely to be at the front of the barricades are people who think that guy would be a good President. What the hell happens then?

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