Yesterday, the celebrity who is the frontrunner in the GOP
race to the presidential candidacy commented that women who have abortions
should be punished somehow, and the Internet exploded. The pro-choice
contingent obviously found that position abhorrent. The anti-choice right-wingers quickly distanced themselves as well, declaring that their position has never
been to punish women seeking abortions, even if they achieve their goal of most
(if not all) abortion being illegal. As a result, The Orange One himself backed
off, “clarifying” that he “misspoke.”
If you are opposed to legal abortion and you don’t think
women who have them should face legal consequences, then you are either a liar
or you are a hypocrite.
It was my understanding that the majority of opposition to
abortion comes from an idea in the vein of life begins at conception, a fetus
is a person, therefore abortion is murder. I can’t speak for the right wing,
but I am generally of the belief that if a person is complicit in a murder,
then that person should face consequences for said murder. Typically in the
law, an accomplice faces the same legal consequences as a principal in a crime.
So if you are opposed to legal abortion, and you are also
opposed to legally punishing women seeking them, then you either don’t really
believe abortion is murder, or you believe that society shouldn’t punish
This gymnastics that the anti-choice crew espouses to try to
get away from the icky mental image of putting abortion-seeking women in jail
is solely political, and it exposes a major problem with the concept of making
abortion illegal: how to punish the women you’ve just made criminals. Making
abortion illegal does not make abortion go away, and if you believe that
abortion is murder, then you must believe
that women who specifically ask for and pay for abortions (murder for hire?)
are murderers.
But that’s the easy part. The harder part is what you do
with women who, rather than seeking abortion and risking running afoul of the
law, self-induce abortions in one way or another. I used to say that if
abortion ever became illegal and I found myself accidentally pregnant, it’s
nothing playing a few rugby matches couldn’t fix. Alcohol, drugs, an accidental
fall down the stairs...
Or a miscarriage.
Make no mistake. If abortion is illegal, people getting and
performing abortions become criminals, and every miscarriage must be
investigated to determine whether it was a clandestine abortion. If such steps
are not part of the plan, then illegalization of abortion has no teeth. Women
wishing abortions can just induce miscarriages and claim they didn’t know they
were pregnant or that it was spontaneous or that the fall was an accident.
Murder is a big deal. If you really think abortion is
murder, you cannot believe that miscarriages (possible abortions and therefore
murders) should not be investigated. If you agree with me that the
investigation of miscarriages is not a good use of police resources, then you
don’t think that abortion is murder.
Start being honest with yourselves.