Tuesday, June 19, 2018

My line is separating desperate families, and if you're OK with it, I might have an offer for you

I guess I found my line.

It’s the separation of asylum-seeking families at the border and the insistence of some people who call themselves “Christians” to continue to defend these policies. As one might say in a meme, “If you’re cool with putting terrified children in cages so that people fleeing certain death in their home countries don’t come here, we don’t have a difference of opinion, we have a difference of morality.”

Lately I’ve been bugged, particularly by people who claim to be Christian. Denying people help that they desperately need is the opposite of Christ-like.

I thought that despite all the things we disagree upon, we could agree that traumatizing terrified children and families is not a good thing.

“They should obey our laws,” you say. As if these people uprooted their children from their homes and subjected them to the hardships of asylum-seeking because…why not?


A thing went around Facebook that explained that asylum-seekers are knocking on the door saying, “excuse me, my children and I will be killed in my country; Can we please live here?” And instead of handing them some cocoa and listening to their story, this administration is removing the children immediately for the stated purpose of discouraging asylum-seeking.

Sucks to be you, livin’ in a war-torn country. We don’t want you here. What Statue of Liberty? What compassion? What basic humanity?

And, if you call yourself a Christian, What Christian values?

“I wish you were this passionate about the unborn babies who get killed,” you say. OK, I’ll make a deal with you. RIGHT NOW, just show as much passion/compassion toward the born refugee children as you regularly show toward the unborn ones. Once this madness is stopped, I want to hear you, uninterrupted as long as you want, regarding your passion toward denying pregnant women a choice to have an abortion.

And I ask you, for the love of anything you find holy, to ask yourself why it is so important for you to defend this policy in the face of international condemnation.

I’ve just offered a person that I believe is decent but who is defending the policy the opportunity to come with me to visit a detention center, and I think I’d like to make a thing out of this. I’d like to take people defending certain policies to go see the results of those policies for themselves. Let me know if you’d like to join me in such a visit.

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